I’m kinda, sorta embarrassed.

When I turned 40, it struck me that I had neither a signature drink nor a preferred brand of deodorant. So, for my 40th birthday party, I decided in favor of the Old Fashion.

But deciding on a deodorant would turn out to be trickier.

When shopping, I’d go with whichever brand fell somewhere below the average price.

Roll-on? Sure.

Spray? Why not?

Sports Activated? Ok.

Sugar-free? If you say so.

Now, I’d heard reports that the store bought shit was weighted down in toxins, so I did my Googles. As a result, I went toxicity free deodorant shopping and came upon Schmidt’s Naturals, a certified vegan and cruelty free deodorant.

Animal Cruelty Free; Pocket Cruelty still pending.

And the shit works. Really well. The Lavender + Sage is on point w/ a pleasant smell, a minty tingle and long lasting impact.

I bought a 3 pack on Amazon and sipped on an Old Fashion on the porch until they were delivered.