There’s an Angel on my left shoulder and she’s telling me to say “NO” to social media for Lent.

“’But…but…but you work in social media” sayeth the Devil on my right shoulder, in between looking at his IG profile.

Ok, then, no non-work related social media for 40 days,’ the Angel screams back at the top of her aching lungs.

Why tho?

Will it hurt?

Mommy, I’m scared.

To add insult to misery, I’m avoiding sugary snacks and wheat (e.g., bread, tortillas, life) for 40 days, too.

Look, I haven’t observed Lent in decades. (More on that later…maybe.)

Why now?

Well, the self-denial could do me some good. What kind of good? I don’t know but we’re about to find out.

So, how’s Day 1 Hour ZERO going, you ask? Well, I’ve already unwittingly checked FB, Twitter and IG while standing idly in the kitchen waiting for my coffee to brew. It’s a curious habit; one I’m looking to break. So, I’ve removed the apps from my phone…but not before impulsively checking them a half dozen times before lunch.

Shit just got real.

While there’s a spiritual root to this exercise, I’m also motivated by material productivity.

I’m hoping I can scratch a few things off my ‘meaning to do but probably won’t’ list, including purging my Inboxes and removing additional time sucking apps from my phone. I’ll be doing some reflective journal writing and I might even meditate every morning.

Catch me by phone or better yet by face. That way I can look into your soul and exorcise the demon of Tumblr and MySpace from you.