Man reservedly buys designer sunglasses.

Man wears sunglasses regularly.

Man goes to store, leaves but not before noticing he doesn’t have sunglasses on him.


Man panics.

Man retraces steps, real and imaginary.


Man retraces faces, real and imaginary.


Definitely something.

That lady, she smiled.

She took my glasses.

That man, he avoided eye contact.

He took my glasses, too.

Those kids, all giggling and shit?

They took my motherfucking glasses!

Man talks to store manager. Manager checks lost and found.

No glasses.

Of course not.

He took them.

Man ruefully leaves the store, calls home.

“Are my glasses there?”


He calls the library. The nursing home. The church.


The casino. The opiate den. The church.


Man drives home dejected. Defeated. PISSED!

“Have you checked my car?,” an angel whispered in his ear.

Man checks her car.

Man ascends to heaven.